In Korea, the land of K-POP~~~?
You won't believe this~~~!
Coercive Conversion Program
of CCK
Against her will, she's forced to attend a program designed by pastors of the CCK trained to change her religious views.
The first time, she escapes and springs into action, rallying against coercive conversion program.
The second time, she suffocates to death.
Her name is ji-in Gu. She's not the only victim.
In recent days there has been much attention given to the abuses of religious freedom around the world. The United States is increasing efforts to aid people in desperate need o protection form religious persecution. In war-torn nations or emerging and newly formed democracies struggle for stability and religious subjugation exists.
Few would think Ji-in Gu's tragedy occurred in the home of K-pop, South Korea.
Join the protest against the Christian Council of Korea and Coercive Conversion Program.
Support religious freedom~!
Help protect victims like Ji-in Gu.
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Cheonji News: Awareness Campaign on Coercive Conversion Goes International
This is New York Times message titled "Ban Coercive Conversion" was released in commemoration of the one-year anniversary o the death of Ji-in Gu of Hwasun, Jeonnam in South Korea.
She was kidnapped and forced to give up her vested rights due to the demands of a church determined to change her religion.
The message brings this serious issue bock into focus.
The message brings this serious issue bock into focus.
In Korea,
the world of K-POP, Korean Pop Music
K-POP is becoming more and more popular around the world.
In this way, I am very proud of my country, Korea.
On the other hand,
Inhumane Coercive Conversion Program of CCK in Korea, is a disgrace to our country, South Korea.
Few would think Ji-in Gu's tragedy occurred in the home of K-POP, South Korea.
So, I feel very ashamed this Coercive Conversion Program of CCK in Korea.
Above all, what I don't understand, the Korean government remains silent.....

Coercive conversion programs are literally programs through which people are forced to convert their religion.
There are no coercive conversion programs in Christianity, which hold to God's teachings. "Coercive" means to force someone to do something against their will under pressure, religious conversion means to change one's religion from one to another, such as from Buddhism to Christianity and "coercive programs" here refers to programs that are forced upon people.
Such coercive conversion program in Korea!!!
Why is the Korean government letting this happen?