Saturday, September 15, 2018

Contrary Evidence of Shincheonji

Shincheonji Teaches ......
Truth or Lie
That is the Question~!
Contrary Evidence, "Shincheonji Teaches Weird Topics
that are Strange and Unorthodox?
The statement above states that Shincheonji teaches
"weird topics that are strange and unorthodox."
In order to make this statement true it needs to be verified
and supported by the Bible -- meaning the assertion must be Biblical.
Before we believe in a claim, we must question its validity.
In this case we should ask ourselves, "Why is it weird?
What makes it strange? What is truly orthodox and unorthodox?"
In order to answer this we must look inside the Bible and then
we can see if the claim should be believed or not.
If we look inside the Bible, even the teachings of Jesus
can be misunderstood as weird, strange, and unorthodox.
Let's take a look at the ministry of Jesus
when he was teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum.
This is what Jesus said in John 6:51-58

 In this passage Jesus told the Jews and the disciples that they must eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood in order to have eternal life. Here it is important that we put ourselves in the perspective of the people living at that time in order to understand this in a better way. We also have to remember that at this time Jesus was also known as the "ringleader of the Nazarene sect" and "demon-possessed" (Acts 24:5, John 8:52, John 10:20). Therefore, the people already gave Jesus a negative label at the time.  Additionally, Jesus' teachings were perceived as "new" at the time as it is stated in Mark 1:27-28, "The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, "What is this? A new teaching - and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him. "News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee."  

Although Jesus' teachings was considered strange and weird to many, even to the point there many of his disciples left him, Jesus was the one who was orthodox. Those who were not labeled as strange and weired were actually unorthodox in the perspective of God. These people who had the unorthodox teachings were the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, who were also the ones calling Jesus a ringleader of the Nazarene sect.
This is why we must be fully equipped with the correct and true understanding of the Bible (scriptures) before we believe in a claim or even judging one as either orthodox or unorthodox. Therefore let us really pray and ask God that He would allow us to truly discern what is orthodox and unorthodox, looking beyond what may look strange and weird in the eyes of man, and guide us to someone who can truly impact that wisdom.

Before we believe in a claim, we must question its validity!
Surely, the assertion must be quite descriptive, in the Bible!!
Don't cast such vilification on Shincheonji without foundation in the Bible!!!
'Contrary Evidence of Shincheonji' Source:

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