♣ Let’s carefully examine "the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Both the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are metaphors; the trees represent God and the devil, respectively.
Those with whom God dwells are trees of life, and those with whom the devil dwells are trees of the knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus disclosed in parables the secrets of the kingdom of God, which had been hidden since the creation of the world (Mt 13:34-35).
Jesus could only speak in parables because it was not yet the appointed time when he would speak plainly (Jn 16:25).
Jesus speaks plainly in the time of the second coming when the prophecies of Revelation are fulfilled (Rv 21:6).
Revelation only mentions the existence of the tree of life because the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is also referred to as Babylon (Dn 4:20), is destroyed and ceases to exist (Rv 17; Rv 18).
Proverbs 13:12 says that a longing fulfilled is like a tree of life. Proverbs 11:30 says that a person who receives wisdom is like a tree of life.
Jesus fulfilled a longing by overcoming (Jn 16:33) and fulfilling the prophecies (Jn 19:30).
In the same way, today’s promised pastor, the one who overcomes, becomes the tree of life by overcoming (Rv 2; Rv 3; Rv 12) and establishing the twelve tribes (Rv 7; Rv 21:6).
The one who overcomes has mastered the Bible (Rv 10:8-11). He has been born of and has grown by the seed of life (the word). The spirit of the Lord has united with the one who overcomes according to the Bible (Rv 3:12, 21).
This is what it means for the holy spirit to come (Mt 13:31-32). These explanations are the evidence that proves that the one who overcomes is the tree of life.
Anyone who wants to attain salvation must come to the tree of life that bears twelve kinds of crops every month. He or she must become one of the firstfruits of the tree of life. God gives birth to the firstfruits through the word of truth (Jas 1:18).
The people who belong to the twelve tribes, Shincheonji are sealed by God’s word of truth, and their membership in the twelve tribes is evidence that they are part of the firstfruits. These firstfruits of the tree of life learn the new song at Mt. Zion according to Rv 14.
Please come to Shincheonji and verify whether our testimony is true! I sincerely pray that you will attain salvation by believing our testimony.
※ The tree of life is God. The tree of the knowledge of good and evi is the devil.
Those with whom God dwells are trees of life, and those with whom the devil dwells are trees of the knowledge of good and evil.
Shincheonji Teaching: Revelation 12, The Betrayers, The Destroyers and The Savior
The key point of the Book of Revelation is the event of the three entities, the betrayers, the destroyers and the savior (the one who overcomes) as seen in Rv 12 and fulfilling what was recorded in the Bible about them.
The betrayers fulfill what was recorded regarding them, the destroyers fulfill the work of destruction as recorded and the savior also fulfills what applies to him (the work of salvation).
There are three mysteries and three types of plagues in the Book of Revelation. These are the three things that apply to the betrayers, the destroyers and the savior. But what should be understood is that these three things were made known only to the Promised Pastor.
The One Who Overcomes came to fight and overcomes the group of the dragon in heaven (Rv 12) and this is how the kingdom of God and salvation comes. Therefore, the One Who Overcomes is the Savior.
The reality to the fulfillment of the prophecies of Revelation can be seen starting from Rv 1, as the people and their actions appear as the reality to the prophecies.
Let us have faith based on knowledge. Let us not add to or subtract from the Bible (the book of Revelation).
God is one, and the Bible is one. The commentaries that they (fake pastors) wrote, however, vary from one other. What kind of world are we living in? What kind of era of faith is it now? Ironically, those commentary books are much more expensive than Bibles.
There is only one Bible; all the hundreds of the commentary books, which they published with their authority and in their pride, are misleading fakes. It is the seed of Satan (i.e. lies) and the wine of adulteries. God has given to us believers only one Bible. Which should we choose to believe? Their deeds of selling and buying pastoral certificates and presidential positions—how will such deeds not condemn them to hell? One who really loves the truth, heaven, and God should come to the City of Truth and become one with God. No one can go to heaven unless he is born again of the revealed word of truth and of the Spirit of God. The book of Revelation, which encompasses God’s will, talks of the end of the Spiritual Israelites (refer to Rv 6).Matthew 24 also mentions the end of the churches.After the church faces its end, the Lord harvests people with his angels and creates a new kingdom with the elect that he gathered (Mt 24:29-31). The Bible testifies this! Do you believe in the words of Revelation 12? It says that God’s kingdom and salvation come only after overcoming the group of the dragon. We in Shincheonji have overcome. We have received the revealed word, and are proclaiming both the prophecies of the New Testament and its physical fulfillment, just as Jesus, John, and Paul did. We are making known the highest truth in the 6,000 years of Biblical history.
We are also making the true meaning of the Bible known, as well as the truth behind the commentaries fabricated by the false pastors. Jesus testified about the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Likewise, Shincheonji is testifying about the fulfillment of the New Testament according to the five “Wh” and one “H”. Shouldn’t one at least verify if it is true and receive salvation in doing so?
No one comes to God, Jesus and heaven except through the victorious Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. If the wicked are orthodoxy, then what should we say about Shincheonji? Shincheonji Church of Jesus, like Jesus, is heaven, and the light of life.
※ New Heaven New Earth is Shincheonji (신천지, in Korean).
The Chinese characters(新天地) for “new heaven new earth” can be shortened to Shincheonji.
1. Shincheonji Prophecy in the Bible
Isa 65:17
“See, I will createnew heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Isa 66:22
“As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord , “so will your name and descendants endure.
When are the new heaven and new earth created after the first heaven and first earth disappear? Where are they created?
And who are they? What kind of kingdom are they?
The time when they are created is the Lord’s second coming when Revelation in the New Testament is fulfilled. At that time, Spiritual Israel (churches of Jesus) is destroyed and comes to an end. The Lord returns to harvest and seal people, and he creates God’s new kingdom (new heaven and new earth) here on earth. The new kingdom Jesus creates is the twelve tribes of Shincheonji Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (the 144,000 priests and the people of the great multitude). This is the kingdom promised in the New Testament. It is heaven, and its people are the people of heaven. This is truly the kingdom, which is the fulfillment of the New Testament of the prophecy that Jesus gave so that we would believe when it happens.
The pastors of the devil will hinder and insult this place, but God even prophesied to fulfill this kingdom from the Old Testament (Jer 31). According to that prophecy, Jesus came and sowed seed. Today grains are harvested and sealed, and the twelve tribes are created in accordance with the promises. God had Satan appear in order to create this promised kingdom, and Revelation 13 describes the events of the appearance of Satan. Satan appeared according to the prophecies, and as a matter of fact, a trap was set up to capture Satan (refer to Jer 50:24). These are the events of Revelation 13 and 12. As the promised pastor fought against the dragon and overcame it, he has become Israel (New Spiritual Israel) and has created the twelve tribes. It is from this time on that the kingdom of God and salvation can come (Rv 12:10-11). Do you believe in this prophecy and its fulfillment?
The prophecies and the pastors of the New Testament exist until the messengers of the seven lampstands who prepare the way in Revelation 2-3 and 13. Since that time, people have been hearing the gospel of the revelation, the fulfillment of the book of Revelation, and they have been coming and gathering to the new heaven where they can attain salvation. Therefore, the events of Revelation in the New Testament encompass the end of the Spiritual Israelites due to their betrayal and destruction, and the judgment of Satan, the group of the destroyers, in Revelation 12 and 18, and the New Spiritual Israelites. As Spiritual Israel and the destroyers are judged and come to an end, only the re-created New Spiritual Israelites can exist at the end. These are the events of destruction and salvation similar to the days of Noah and Lot (refer to Mt 24:37-41; Lk 17:26-30). The work of salvation has nothing to do with those who do not know and believe in the New Testament prophecies and their physical fulfillment. But to those who believe in God and his promises, this work of Salvation is the greatest blessing because it is the fulfillment of their will and hope.
It says in Revelation 21, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away.” It means that when the new heaven and new earth is created, the first heaven and first earth has already ceased to exist. The Physical Israelites were already brought to an end at Jesus’ first coming, and yet they still do exist. In fact, they were put to an end as God’s chosen people and became gentiles 2,000 years ago. Likewise, even if the new heaven and new earth has been created today, the Spiritual Israelites still exists. The reality, however, is that they were cut off from God and became gentiles. In other words, they returned to mere flesh and to the world. God is now with the New Spiritual Israelites who have been victorious.
The Republic of Korea where God, heaven, and the promised pastor, the one who overcomes are, will become the greatest and the most wonderful country. All nations will have to come to Shincheonji of the Republic of Korea to worship God (Rv 15:4).
2. Shincheonji Fulfillment in the Bible
Rv 21:1
Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
👀 Rev 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”
for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away,
and there was no longer any sea.
The Reason that the First Heaven
and First Earth Passed Away
Why does the main reference say that the first heaven and first earth passed away?
The reason why Jesus proclaimed, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!” at the first coming was because the Physical Israelites, Jerusalem, at that time committed sins. That is why Jesus asked for repentance. Today, too, at the time of the second coming, if you look at the tabernacle in Revelation 13, the group of the dragon, the destroyers (the beast with seven heads and ten horns) came into the tabernacle of heaven, and they marked the foreheads and the hands of the saints of the tabernacle with the mark of the beast. The saints received that mark and worshiped the beast, the dragon. As a result, the chosen people of the tabernacle were destroyed. This is why the first heaven and first earth passed away. This event was betrayal and destructioin. There were people who marked others, and there were people who received the mark. Furthermore, there were people who worshiped, and there were people who were worshiped by others. Just like at the first coming (Mt 23), the destroyers stood in the tabernacle of the chosen people at the second coming.
This is why the one who has witnessed that event asked for repentance.
The first heaven and first earth that was destroyed and passed away were the Spriritual Israelites that Jesus created with his disciples 2,000 years ago when he came to the land of Judah. It was the end of Spiritual Israel. They passed away due to their betrayal. Revelation 6:12-17 and Matthew 24:29 figuratively use the sun, moon, and stars of the sky (Gn 37:9-11) to explain their end. They fall from heaven to the earth. They begin with the holy spirit, and yet they return to mere flesh. They are part of heaven, but later they become part of the earth. In other words, they belong to God, but then they come to belong to Satan.
God prophesied the events of Jesus’ first coming through the Old Testament prophets. The prophecies were regarding how Jerusalem would be destroyed and captured by gentiles. Likewise, Jesus and his disciples prophesied in the New Testament that the saints of God’s tabernacle would be destroyed and held captive by the pastors of the devil, and that all nations would fall down by taking the fruit of good and evil, the wine of adulteries?the venom of serpents, the devil, and the poison of cobras, and that they would also marry the spirit of the devil (Rv 17 ~ Rv 18). If these prophecies and the fulfilled realities are not true, then God, Jesus, and his disciples would have lied.
However, the prophecies have been fulfilled just as they were recorded. Who can deny this? This is the end of Spiritual Israel that was established 2,000 years ago.
The Physical Israelites in the Old Testament came to an end at Jesus’ first coming, and the Spiritual Israelites were created through Jesus. In the same manner, Jesus, who has returned today according to the New Testament, has brought an end to the corrupt Spiritual Israel, just as we have examined above. He has created the New Spiritual Israel by harvesting and sealing people. This newly created New Spiritual Israel is new heaven and new earth, Shincheonji.
It is to this placet that God, heaven, and Jesus come according to the promises (Rv 3:12), and that the spirits of the dead also come (1 Thes 4:14). The blessings promised in Revelation 2 and 3 will also be in that place.
This blog and All of Its Content has been Written according to the Bible.
All Christians in a Deeper Knowledge of God’s Word and to Lead Them to a Deeper Faith. The New Heaven and New Earth, & the First Heaven and First Earth that Passed Away Source: Shincheonji cafe
Main references: Rv 21
What are the new heaven and new earth in the main chapter? What are the first heaven and first earth that ceased to exist?
The first heaven and earth that passed away was the tabernacle of the Spiritual Israelites and their congregation members. The new heaven and new earth is the tabernacle that is re-created and its congregation members.
Have you known this?
The tabernacle (the dwelling place of the saints) is referred to as heaven because God’s chosen people are symbolized by the sun, moon, and stars (refer to Gn 37:9-11), and thus, the place (the tabernacle) where the sun, moon, and stars are, becomes heaven. Moses saw what was in heaven and built the tabernacle on earth accordingly (Ex 25). Therefore, the tabernacle of Moses was heaven on earth. Jesus proclaimed, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!” (Mt 4:17). He also said, “Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven” (Mt 6:10). According to these words, the kingdom of God that Jesus established with his disciples here on earth (refer to Jn 5:19-20) was heaven, that is, the tabernacle, Spiritual Israel.
Since man was formed from dust (Gn 2), dust or earth figuratively refers to flesh. The heaven and earth that passed away was the first heaven that Jesus started, and that has lasted for the past 2,000 years. The new heaven and new earth is the second heaven that is created today at the second coming. The short term for the new heaven and new earth in Chinese is Shincheonji.
The main reference, Revelation 21:1, shows the old and the new things. These old and new things are equated to the worlds of Adam and Noah, the worlds of Noah and the Physical Israelites, and the worlds of the physical Israelites and the spiritual Israelites. The new thing is created again after the previous thing becomes corrupt, aging, and obselete.
The Old Testament was fulfilled at Jesus’ first coming, and the New Testament is fulfilled at Jesus’ second coming.
Why does the main reference say that the first heaven and first earth passed away?
Let's continue <<The reason that the first heaven and first earth passed away>> tomorrow(^.^*)/~
God is the Creator of the heaven and the earth. He gave His love, peace, and blessings to everything He had created. He also gave truth and life so that they can all live.
On the other hand, the serpent is a creation (Gn 3:1) who once was an archangel, one of the four living creatures, but ultimately became Satan (devil) by leaving and betraying God.
Greedy to become like God, he persecutes and curses God and all creations. Satan lies and kills anyone who does not belong to his army. We can distinguish whether a believer belongs to God or Satan by his actions.
He who is sent by God speaks God’s word like God and testifies to what he has seen and heard in heaven (Jn 3:31-34). He is the one who proclaims love, peace, forgiveness, and blessings.
However, Satan cannot do such things. Whenever God’s messenger comes and does the work that God promised,,,
♧ Shincheonji Cartoon: the Owner of Religion and Church ♧
Let's read Shincheonji cartoon story
Shincheonji Cartoon
The Owner of Religion and Church
Whose will is recorded in the Old and the New Testament? What is religion, and who is its founder? Why can’t we understand the meaning of the Scriptures with knowledge of the world? How is the end result of believers different from that of unbelievers? Religion means “the highest teaching.”
God gave us the prophecies in advance so that people would believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29).
Whose will is written in the contents of the New and Old Testament?
What is religion and who is the owner of religion?
Why can't we understand the will of God with worldly knowledge?
Religion means, "the highest teaching" in Chinese and "to reconnect(religare)" in Lain.
Who created religion?
Religion was created by God (Holy Spirit), and the proof can be found in John 1:1-2.
The founder of religion, therefore, is God the Creator. That is why the Catholic Church is called Cheonjugyo(in Korean).
Hence, to call a man who merely follows religion the founder of it is against the law and a lie. Whether it is a newly-rising or a traditional church, the leader of a church cannot be the founder.
The name Church of Jesus reveals that its founder is Jesus, and the name Cheonjugyo shows that Cheonju (the Lord of heaven) is the founder.
Usually, cults use the word “founder” to persecute others.
However, anyone who uses such a word proves that he himself is a cult and speaks lies.
For example, even though a tenant of a vineyard is entrusted with a vineyard, this does not make him the owner of it.
If a church calls itself the so-and-so church of the Church of Jesus in Korea, that means the founder of this so-and-so church is Jesus.
If a person labels the leader of a church as a founder despite the fact that the church calls itself the Church of Jesus, that person has to realize he is a false believer.
A person should be referred to as a representative, the one in charge, a pastor, elder, or be called by his personal name.
Churches and Christians must act in accordance with the will of God (Holy Spirit). This is the true life of faith that professes to believe in God.
Just because a person possesses a lot of knowledge of this world, it does not mean that he can correctly understand the meaning of the Scriptures.
Furthermore, what God has prophesied, God fulfills. We are able to understand the meaning of the prophecies after God fulfills it and explains it to us.
There is a vast amount of contents recorded in the Bible, including history, moral teachings, prophecy, and fulfillment.
Among them, prophecy is something to be fulfilled in the future, and therefore, there is an appointed time when it is fulfilled.
God gave us the prophecies in advance so that people would believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29).
Watch the Shincheonji Cartoon Video~
♣ Shincheonji Cartoon: the Owner of Religion and Church ♣
Jesus fulfilled this work and made it known to the churches through the messenger,
the One Who Overcomes who saw and heard these things.
Rv 5:7 He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne.
In Revelation 5, John had come up to heaven, and he also sees the book sealed with seven seals in the right hand of God who is seated on the throne.
Because no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth can open the book or look inside it, John weeps, but he hears that Jesus who has triumphed can open the seven seals.
He also hears that Jesus purchased men with his blood and have made them to be a kingdom and priests.
God said that no one in heaven or on earth can open or even look inside the book sealed with seven seals, the book of Revelation. This has been a mystery that God (and Jesus) will fulfill. If one does not recognize when the fulfillment takes place, how can he believe in it? Jesus fulfilled this work and made it known to the churchesthroughthe messenger (the One Who Overcomes) who saw and heard these things (Rv 22:16).
After New John has sent the letters to the seven stars, the New John was in the Spirit
and was taken up to heaven (the spiritual realm), and saw the organization
of the throne in the spiritual realm in Rv 4.
In Revelation 4, after John sends the letters to the seven stars, he is called up to heaven in the spiritual realm.
He sees the organization of God’s throne: as it was done in heaven (Mt 6:10), God’s throne consists of twenty four elders, seven messenger of the seven lampstands, four living creatures, many eyes, and twelve tribes (Rv 7).
He sees what must take place after this, and he hears that God and His kingdom are to come to this earth.
Hos 12:10
I spoke to the prophets, gave them many visions and told parables through them.”
Zech 7:12
They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen to the law or to the words that the Lord Almighty had sent by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. So the Lord Almighty was very angry.
★ Apostle John saw and heard all the events of Revelation in a vision 2,000 years ago. Since then, 2,000 years have passed. The testimony proclaimed today is not in a vision, but on the physical reality of the fulfillment that the pastor who comes in the position of Apostle John (promised pastor) had seen and heard.
“Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.
At the end of age, just before the second coming of Jesus, the tabernacle of the messengers who prepare the way must appear.
The content of the letter includes what was seen, what is happening now, and what will take place later. However, the messengers who prepared the way, the seven messengers did not repent their deeds even after receiving Jesus’ letter.
Jesus have sent letters to the seven messengers through the promised pastor (one who overcomes) in Rev 2 & 3
The following is the content of Revelation 2 and 3.
After Satan’s Nicolaitans invade the tabernacle of the seven stars (messengers) who are one of the three mysteries, Jesus chooses John to send letters to the seven messengers.
Jesus tells them to repent and to fight and overcome the group of Satan, and he promises to give all the blessings found in Revelation 2 and 3 to him who overcomes.
The promised pastorsends the letters of repentance to the seven starsas Jesus commands(Rev 1:17).
A person who sends the letters asking for repentance to the seven messengers who prepare the way is the promised pastor (the one who overcomes) and the savior(Refer Rev 2, 3).
▲When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. (Rev 1:17)
The Book of Revelation is a book with prophecies that will fulfill in the future.
After ascending to heaven, Jesus showed these to his disciple John.
This article is a summary of the fulfillment that took place today, 2,000 years after the prophecies were first recorded.
Revelation 1 speaks of the alpha and the omega, the start of the events of Revelation (prophecy) and the end (fulfillment).
Revelation 1:1-8 is the conclusion of the events of all the chapters in Revelation, and Revelation 1:9-20 makes known the start of the events.
The events of Revelation begin with theappearance of the seven stars, which is one of the three mysteries in Revelation.
※ Rev 1:20
The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars arethe angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
<The Letters of Jesus to the angels of the seven churches in Revelation 2, 3 by (New) John>,
How are the traditional Christian Council of Korea (CCK) and Shincheonji Church of Jesus different?
The traditional Christian Church was created after Jesus' First Coming. The CCK is an alliance of the traditional Christian Churches in Korea. On the other hand, Shincheonji Church of Jesus is a Christian church that is re-created at Jesus' Second Coming after the traditional Christian Church comes to an end. Shincheonji is the temple of the new era where the prophecies of the New Testament are fulfilled—the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
The era of the Old Testament was the era of Physical Israel, the world of Abraham which Moses guided. The traditional Christian Church is the Spiritual Israel that Jesus created after the end of Physical Israel. Shincheonji Church of Jesus is the New Spiritual Israel (refer to Rv 6 ~ 7) that Jesus created again at his Second Coming after the traditional Christian Church ends according to the promises of the New Testament. The reason for re-creation was that the former heaven became corrupt like at the time of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:26-30), soShincheonji, a new heaven and new earth was created according to the New Testament. This is God's promise in the Bible, the promise of the New Testament.
Anyone who believes in God's will and the words of promise in the Bible will obey His will. The people of Adam's era and those during the time of Sodom and Gomorrah thought that their world would last eternally. However, God's thoughts were not like their thoughts. He wanted to end the corrupt era and create a new one. Even today, God cannot watch the churches becoming corrupt while calling themselves Christians.
Therefore, as written in Revelation chapter 21, one era ends, and a new era begins. The new era that opens is Shincheonji. This is the fulfillment of the New Testament. The era of Shincheonji is recorded in Revelation, furthermore, the New Testament. If one does not know the purpose behind Revelation, they are no different from the Jews of Jerusalem who did not know Jesus although he fulfilled the Old Testament (Jn 19:30). That is why it is recorded (Rv 22:18-19) that anyone who adds and takes away from Revelation will not receive salvation but curses (plagues). However, those who keep the words of Revelation become a kingdom of priest of heaven (Rv 1:3-6).
The Catholic Church branched off from the first generation churches, and the Protestant Church branched off from the Catholic Church. The contents in the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible are similar. However, the difference is that the Catholic Church accepts the apocryphal books in addition to the canonical books (Old Testament 39 books, New Testament 27 books).
Also, there has been a false article recently about the religious world of Catholicism. It stated that if Jesus does not return this year, there is no second coming. The fact that someone would say such thing shows that there is no faith in Jesus' promise. Not believing in the words of promise is not believing in Jesus, and not believing in Jesus is not believing in God and His words(Jn 14:23).
Jude verse 17 says to remember what the apostles foretold. Jesus will return according to his promise. At the time of the Second Coming, everything is fulfilled according to the promises of the New Testament (Rv 21:6). Shincheonji Church of Jesus proclaims this to the whole world. Anyone who hears and believes this must also have their faith based on the words of promise in the New Testament. Shincheonji is spreading the fulfillment of Revelation to the churches just as Jesus Christ promised through Apostle John (Rv 22:16). A believer would verify, believe, and hope to enter into salvation. Shincheonji proclaims the Revelation, the revealed faith, and the reality of the fulfillment. Come and see! This is the truth.
The Catholic Church must also believe in the New Testament, the promises of Revelation. If they do not understand it, they must come to Shincheonji and learn. They must be humble and follow the will that is recorded in the Scriptures.
Both the Catholic Church that came from the first generation churches and the Protestant Church that branched out from it became corrupt. These churches are all merely a part of the world of the former heaven. They are not the Shincheonji mentioned in Revelation. In other words, the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church are merely the first heaven and first earth in Revelation 21, not the new heaven and new earth. Because the former heaven will disappear anyway, believers must come to new heaven and new earth to learn about God's promise.
If they perceive, they will receive salvation. Believers’ emotions do not guarantee salvation. Shincheonji has mastered the Holy Scriptures and proclaims the fulfillment of the New Testament Revelation. Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, has the twelve tribes of God's new nation, which is the tree of life that bears twelve crops of fruit every month. If people believe in the revealed word of Shincheonji, the tree of life, then they will cross over from death to life. They will rise to live (refer to Jn 5:24-29).
Main reference: Heb 6 (1 Cor 13, Jn 16:25, Hos 4:6, Rv 1 ~ 22)
What is an elementary teaching? What is perfection? At the first coming of Jesus, the law of Moses was the elementary teaching, and at the second coming of Jesus, the work of Jesus’ first coming is the elementary teaching. Then, what is perfection?
Heb 6:1-3 (NKJV)
“Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this we will do if God permits.”
Elementary Teachings... and Perfection, Shincheonji Church of Jesus
God said in Ps 78:2-4, “I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter hidden things, things from of old,” to tell the next generation. At the appointed time, God came to the true pastor (Jesus) He had promised about and spoke in parables (Mt 13:34-35). After speaking in parables, Jesus said that he will speak plainly about the Father when the time comes (Jn 16:25). An elementary principle is an elementary teaching given to the people to make known what will come next. Jesus spoke in parables to hide things (Mt 13:10-15, Lk 8:10), but the time when he speaks of them plainly is the time when he speaks of what is perfect. The words recorded in the Bible can largely be categorized into four parts, which are history, moral teachings, prophecy, and fulfillment. A prophecy is a promise made between God and man. Even if one keeps the commandments found in history and moral teachings, he would not be able to keep what has been fulfilled if he does not know the meaning of the prophecy (promise).This is why one must know the prophecies and their fulfillment!!
God makes known His true Way in this manner. He promises it in advance through ancient prophets, and when it is preached to the entire world (Mt 24:14), He fulfills the promises through the promised pastor, and finally makes known the things He fulfilled. But if a man does not have the testimony of the promises or of their fulfillment, yet he still seeks his own glory and calls himself a pastor sent by God, then such man is a false pastor (Dt 18:22).
From all the scriptures of the religions in the world, the hardest to understand are the Christian Bible and the Buddhist scriptures.
It is because when the heavens showed the writers on earth in advance what will take place in the future, they showed it in parables (Ps 78:2, Mt 13:34-35).
These were shown in parables, because they were the secrets of heaven, so the content the writers wrote after they saw and heard these things were in figurative language. But the future events that are written in parables are revealed plainly when the proper time comes (Jn 16:25).
★ Promised Pastor has to have the testimony of the promises
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, James Tribe Shincheonji Volunteer Church - Blood Donation
Shincheonji Volunteer Church - Blood Donation
Shincheonji Church of Jesus Q and A,
with Busan Blood Center of the Korea National Red Cross
Jesus prophesied in the New Testament, so that when it does happen one will believe (Jn 14:29).
Those born of the seed of the devil, however, will curse and persecute first rather than believe.
Shincheonji Chruch of Jesus was created as according to the New Testament.We, Shincheonji have mastered the New Testament, and have testified to the true meaning of the prophecies, the words of God, and the physical fulfillment of all of Revelation.
Why do you not believe the promises of the New Testament and their fulfillment?
You are heaven-bound if you believe, and hell-bound if you don’t.
Shincheonji prays that you perceive and believe, and receive salvation.