Friday, July 16, 2021

Bible and Shincheonji

[Holy Bible and Shincheonji Church of Jesus]

Now Is the Time of the Harvest According to the Bible!

Do you know what the Bible says about this time now?

Now ​​is ​the time ​of ​Jesus’ ​second ​coming and the ​time of the ​harvest according to the Bible.
We deliver ​the news ​of the harvest.

We, Shincheonji harvest those ​who are born ​of (who ​received) ​God’s ​​seed ​(God’s word). ​We ​hope ​that ​those who are ​born of God’s ​seed [will] meet ​a harvester ​to be harvested and come.

Right now, ​each tribe is ​testifying the ​prophecies ​of ​​the ​entire book ​of ​Revelation ​(chapter ​1 to chapter ​22) and their ​actual entities that ​have been ​fulfilled. Those who wish to know ​can participate.

Jesus’ ​second coming ​(return) ​comes ​​to ​the promised ​pastor ​who ​was ​promised in the ​prophecies of the ​four gospels of ​the New ​Testament and the prophecies of Revelation.

At ​the time of ​the fulfillment ​of ​the ​​prophecies ​of the ​New ​Covenant ​Revelation, ​Jesus is the ​one who fulfills, ​and the promised ​pastor is ​the one who saw and heard ​all of those ​things, that ​is, ​the ​​things ​[Jesus] fulfills ​from ​Rv ​1-22.

The ​one who has ​seen everything—Jesus fulfilling ​Revelation, chapter by ​chapter from ​chapter 1 to chapter 22—testifies the ​entire book of ​Revelation.

Those ​who ​have ​​not ​been harvested ​are ​those ​who ​did not care ​despite having heard ​the news of ​the harvest, ​are those who are not moved ​(are unaffected) even ​though they ​are ​told ​​that ​the prophecies ​of ​Revelation ​are ​being fulfilled, and ​are those who ​do not believe. ​

Those who ​add to or subtract from the ​book of Revelation ​cannot enter ​the ​kingdom ​​of ​heaven and ​[instead] ​will ​receive ​plagues (Rv 22:18-19). ​Those who are ​aware of this ​yet do ​not make an effort to know ​(learn) Revelation are ​ not ​true ​believers, ​​they ​have superficial ​faith, ​and ​these ​kinds of people ​are wolves in ​sheep’s clothing.

The ​fact that ​churches, pastors, and churchgoers do not ​have doctrine, that ​is, the ​word, ​is ​​proof ​that they ​do ​not ​have ​God and Jesus, ​who is the ​Word.

※ John 1:1   In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

 The only ​place in ​the whole universe that masters the ​Holy Bible is ​Shincheonji Church ​of ​Jesus ​​and ​its saints. ​Come, ​see ​and ​listen for yourselves. ​
Please come, listen ​and see for ​yourselves~💞

And Check the Words of Truth(Bible Words)!
And then, click here to apply for a free Bible study 🕮

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