Saturday, April 6, 2019

Making Good Memories in Shincheonji

Korean Traditional Culture Experience, in Shincheonji

Daegu Shincheonji Multicultural Center Helps Comfort the Homesick
Hosting a Lunar New Year's Day event for Foreigners 
[Opportunity for Communication of Global Culture]

Daegu Shincheonji Multicultural Center opened four years ago in an attempt to let us love like light, rain and air to foreigners who suffer in other countries.

Daegu Shincheonji Multicultural Center(SMC, Thaddaeus Tribe) hosted its event 'Savouring Global Cuisines and Styles with SMC' for 50 foreigners in Daegu to spread traditional Korean culture and comfort foreign residents' nostalgia.
The event was held at Daefu Shincheonji Multicultural Center on the 3rd to make time for  harmony and communication of international culture through ▲Introduction to the Koreaan celebration of Lunar New Year's Day ▲ Practicing Sebae (New Year's bowing) ▲Plaing Yut (Traditonal Korean board game) ▲ Introduction to the culture, food and costume of Lunar New Year's Day celebrated in foreign countries which provided opportunities for communication and harmony of global culture.
Jokhan (from Myanmar) who experienced sebae (New Year's bowing) in a hanbok(traditonal Korean costume) for the first time in her life said, "I was so happy I had the time to intrduce a festival celebrated in Myanmar and to learn Korean culture. In particular, the game of Yut was so fun."
Myeongsuk Choi, branch manager of Dagu-Kyeongbuk SMC, announced "We had a jolly Lunar New Year`s Day with foreign students and working aboard to pusure their dreams. We will soon carry out the free medical check-up program 'Visiting Dotor' for their benefit."

Meanwhile,n Deagu SMC was founded in February 2014 and has been functioning through donations made by specialists in Korean, Taekwondo, guitar, ocarina etc.

130 foreign residents from 13 countries including Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Sri-Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam and others are currently registered as students. 30~40 students partake in weekly classes.

Deagu shincheonji Multicultural Center (Deagu SMC) hosted its events 'Savouring Global Cuisines and Styles with SMC' for 50 foreigners in Deagu to spread traditional Korean culture and comfort foreign residents` nostalgia.

They all have a good time while 'Korean Traditional Culture Experience' in Shincheonji

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful initiative. Thank you Shincheonji church.
