[Shincheonji Bible Study]
Today is connected to http://nomorenightriver.blogspot.kr/2015/09/nakedness-and-clothing-shincheonji.html
Now, let's understand what it means to be naked.
We should look to the Bible as we consider expressions like “hidden things of old” (Ps 78:2), “parables” (Mt 13:34-35), and “the account of creation” (Gn 2:4).

* “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves
with Christ.” (Gal 3:27)
* Only people wearing white clothes are worthy (Rv 3:4), so we must buy
and wear white clothes
* “The one born by natural descent persecuted the one born according
to the spirit.” (Gal 4:29) to avoid being shamefully exposed (Rv 3:18; Rv 16:15).
* “For we know that if our earthly house, the tent we live in, is dismantled,
we have a building from God, a house not built by human hands,
that is eternal in the heavens.
For in this earthly house we groan, because we desire to put on our
heavenly dwelling, if indeed, after we have put on our heavenly house,
we will not be found naked.
For we groan while we are in this tent, since we are weighed down,
because we do not want to be unclothed, but clothed,
so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.
Now the one who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave us the spirit
as a down payment.” (2 Cor 5:1-5)
* “We must lay aside the works of darkness, and put on the weapons of light.”
(Rom 13:12)
* “In him you also were circumcised?not, however, with a circumcision performed
by human hands, but by the removal of the fleshly body, that is,
through the circumcision done by Christ.” (Col 2:11)
* “Since you have put off the old man with its practices and have been clothed
with the new man …” (Col 3:9-10)
* “So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed
away? look, what is new has come!” (2 Cor 5:17)
∴ Thus, when Adam and Eve took off what was of the flesh and became living spirits, they were new creations. They rid themselves of all that was shameful (Gn 2:25).
- Shincheonji Andrew Tribe Blog
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