Monday, August 30, 2021

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is ......

Why ​aren't they ​trying to know Revelation? Among the ​world, there is ​one place ​that ​masters ​​Revelation. ​Shincheonji Church ​of ​Jesus, ​the ​Temple of the ​Tabernacle of the ​Testimony, is the ​only place ​that masters Revelation. One can enter ​the kingdom of ​heaven only ​if ​he ​​goes ​to this ​place, ​learns, ​and ​acts according to ​that will. Let ​us put this ​into practice ​and receive salvation in the kingdom ​of heaven.

Please check the words of truth in Shincheonji!
Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony!!!

If you want to learn the Bible in Sincheonji, which mastered the Book of Revelations, and enter heaven at God's will (Matthew 7:21), click here to sign up for free Bible study. 

Shincheonji ​​Church ​of Jesus, ​the ​Temple ​of ​the Tabernacle of ​the Testimony, is ​what God had ​promised since ​the Old Testament (Jer 31) after ​the betrayal of ​Physical Israel ​and ​completed ​​at ​the time ​of ​the ​New ​Testament Revelation’s fulfillment. ​

The first heaven ​and first earth ​of Rv ​21:1 that disappears refers to the ​world from Gn ​1 up ​until ​before ​​the ​fulfillment of ​Revelation, ​and ​the ​new heaven and ​new earth refers ​to the new ​kingdom and ​new people created at the time ​of Revelation’s fulfillment. ​

Jesus saying, ​“It ​is ​​[all] ​ finished,” ​(Jn ​19:30) ​refers ​to having fulfilled ​all the Old ​Testament, and God ​saying, “It ​is (all) done," in Rv 21:6 ​refers to having ​fulfilled all ​the ​New ​​Testament ​Revelation. God ​prophesies ​and ​fulfills ​what He has ​promised. Jesus said, ​"I have told ​you now ​before it happens (prophecy), so that ​when it does ​happen you ​will ​believe," ​​(Jn ​14:29). Saying, ​"It ​is ​all ​done," in Revelation ​refers to having ​fulfilled all the ​prophecies of ​all the chapters of Revelation without ​adding to or ​subtracting from ​them.

Both ​the ​​name ​and actual ​entity ​of ​Shincheonji ​Church of Jesus, ​the Temple of ​the Tabernacle of ​the Testimony, ​are things established at the time ​of Revelation's fulfillment, ​and they ​are ​not ​​former ​things. After ​fighting ​and ​overcoming ​the group of ​the dragon in ​Rv 12, what ​was established ​in Rv 15 is the Temple ​of the Tabernacle ​of the ​Testimony.

"Shincheonji," ​from ​​the ​name, "Shincheonji ​Church ​of ​Jesus, ​the Temple of ​the Tabernacle of ​the Testimony," refers ​to the ​new heaven and new earth, that ​is, the new ​kingdom and ​new ​people ​​of ​the new ​era. ​"Church ​of ​Jesus" means that ​Jesus is the ​owner (founder). "The ​Tabernacle of ​the Testimony" means that [this is] ​the tabernacle (church) ​that testifies ​the ​fulfilled ​​events ​of Revelation, ​and ​"Temple" ​makes ​known that this ​place is the ​holy place where ​God is ​with.

Both the Old Testament and ​the New Testament ​are things ​to ​be ​​fulfilled ​promised by ​God, ​and ​as ​the appointed time ​came, God fulfilled ​these promises. However, ​His fulfillment ​of the prophecies of the New ​Testament Bible is ​entirely different ​from ​the ​​fulfillment ​of any ​era ​of ​the ​Bible. God's new ​kingdom and new ​people created at ​the time ​of the New Testament Revelation's fulfillment ​are the new ​thing starting ​from ​the ​​seed, ​which is ​the ​origin ​of ​creation, and because ​they were created ​from God's seed, ​they are ​entirely different from the old thing. ​Also, with this ​fulfillment of ​Revelation, ​God's ​​6,000-year ​history ends ​completely. ​Thus, ​what ​God had promised ​since the Old ​Testament after the ​betrayal of ​Physical Israel began with the seed, ​and with the ​fruits born ​of ​this ​​sown ​seed, the ​sons ​of ​God ​and the sons ​of the devil ​have been testified, ​and what's ​true and false have been testified. ​

Although all people ​on earth ​have ​been ​​sinners ​born of ​Adam's ​genes, ​those ​born of God's ​seed in the ​New Testament are ​the holy ​sons of God (Mt 13:37-39). At ​the time of ​the first ​coming, ​God ​​sowed ​His seed ​through ​Jesus, ​and ​at the time ​of the second ​coming, God harvested ​the ripened ​grain of that seed, sealed them, ​and established His ​new kingdom ​of ​the ​​12 ​tribes. This ​new ​kingdom ​of ​the 12 tribes ​are the citizens ​of heaven born ​of the ​seed of Holy God. Both God ​and His son, ​Jesus, are ​the ​Word ​​in ​the beginning, ​and ​God's ​seed ​is also the ​word of God. ​Thus, those born ​of the ​seed of the word are the ​word as well. ​This can ​be ​confirmed ​​in ​the Bible. ​

The ​people ​of ​heaven and the ​people of earth ​are different. This ​is because ​their seed is different. As seen ​in Mt 13, ​two kinds ​of ​seed ​​have ​grown together ​in ​the ​same ​field until the ​time of the ​harvest. However, at ​the time ​of the harvest, only those born ​of God's seed ​were harvested ​and ​taken. ​​Those ​who were ​not ​harvested ​and ​remained in the ​field are not ​the sons of ​God born ​of God's seed but are the ​sons of the ​devil born ​of ​the ​​devil's ​seed.

The words ​of ​Mt ​13 ​become the testimony ​regarding these two ​kinds of seed. ​Those who ​see this and still cannot distinguish ​what's true and ​false are ​dead ​people. ​​Judgment ​is done ​according ​to ​what ​one has done ​as recorded in ​the books (Rv ​20:12). That ​is why it is said that ​the Scripture cannot ​be broken ​(Jn ​10:35). ​​Also, ​it is ​said ​that ​if ​anyone adds to ​or subtracts from ​Revelation, then he ​cannot enter ​the kingdom of heaven (Rv 22:18-19). ​Still, there are ​people who ​say ​to ​​others, ​"Cult, cult," ​even ​though ​they ​themselves add to ​and subtract from ​Revelation. However, who ​would be ​the cult? They are pitiful and ​complacent fools.

Thinking ​that they ​will ​go ​​to ​the kingdom ​of ​heaven ​if ​they just pay ​tithes and volunteer ​eagerly, they give ​offerings and ​volunteer eagerly. However, even if they ​give offerings and ​volunteer eagerly, ​if ​they ​​add ​to or ​subtract ​from ​Revelation, ​then they cannot ​enter the kingdom ​of heaven. Why ​aren't they ​trying to know Revelation? Among the ​world, there is ​one place ​that ​masters ​​Revelation. ​Shincheonji Church ​of ​Jesus, ​the ​Temple of the ​Tabernacle of the ​Testimony, is the ​only place ​that masters Revelation. One can enter ​the kingdom of ​heaven only ​if ​he ​​goes ​to this ​place, ​learns, ​and ​acts according to ​that will. Let ​us put this ​into practice ​and receive salvation in the kingdom ​of heaven.

1 comment:

  1. It’s a miracle that we are living in an era when the entire Bible - Revelation included - is being explained plainly. God must really want people to let go, open their hearts and listen❤️
