Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Responses from Shincheonji Seminar

The Responses from Shincheonji Open Seminar


Mr. Younggil Noh, a citizen in Seoul
"I had a little taste of heaven today. I saw the look of every participant and they looked happy and smiley. I thought to myself, "wow, heaven is being created like this'".

A Christian from Gurl city, Gyeonggi province
"I thought to myself that I need to perceive the words of the Bible, which I don't know. I'm going to read the Bible again from Genesis."

Prof. Seokyoung Gohng"It(Shincheonji Church) has great words from the Bible that we must learn. Today's event was so beneficial. I hope Shincheonji church will provide this word(in the Bible) for the youth and for people throughout Korea. Shincheonji church respects other religions and also promotes freedom of religion. Slandering other religions and the practise of coercive conversion programs of CCK is the worst. We must stop that."

Every year, more and more people come to Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Do you know why? Come and check it here~!

πŸ‘† Many people move to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, because......

1 comment:

  1. It's a miracle to be witnessing the growth of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Great article.
