Thursday, February 11, 2016

Religious Scripture

<Religious Scripture>
- The Content of that Scripture Trustworthy -

Who gave each religion, and how is the content of each religious scripture different from another? Also, is there any clear evidence to find the content of that scripture trustworthy?

True religion is the teaching of the Holy Spirit, and it is given by the revelation of God. However, there are two types of spirits; there is the true God and there is the spirit of Satan (= devil = dragon, Rv 12:9; 20:2), which is a created being that became an evil spirit from masquerading himself as God due to his pride, only to be banished from heaven.

People of faith in the physical world are led by the spirits of their respective religions, and they receive revelations from either God’s Spirit or Satan’s spirit (Jer 14:14-18). However, if what they proclaim does not take place or come true, it amounts to nothing (Det 18:22). The spirit of the devil, that is, Satan, is the spirit of temptation and deception.

The Christian Bible, made up of 66 books, contains a beginning and an end. It is recorded with a clear content of 6,000 years of well-defined spiritual and physical genealogies, multiple prophecies and their fulfillments, the detailed events of the past, the present, and the future, and the prophecies regarding the promised pastor who is to come, recorded by the prophets of the past. There are three core contents written in the Bible regarding what has happened in the past and what will be fulfilled, which are the events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. All of these things are recorded in the Bible in detail.

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